28/03/2020 Hi, How are you all doing and everyone in the UK team as well as supporters. I know the lock-down continues on your end and we are praying every day for God to have his hand on this situation. Firstly, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for your response on my latest email I sent to you regarding various matters especially in terms of the April funds. Provisionally, Misoji is booked to have her operation on Tuesday (on her fingers) but we will know for sure on Sunday and we hope and pray that it is successful. All the other children are recovering steadily and we thank God for that. We continue with the home schooling for the children and also taking the necessary precautions for the virus and most importantly praying that it doesn't spread any further. We feel for you especially because of the total lock-down you have there and just pray that it doesn't get to that stage here in Tanzania because we will die from hunger before Coronavirus kills us but we know God is good all the time and his plans work together for the good of those who love him and obey his words. Personally, I am okay except for my ulcers and severe headaches I have been having lately. Mwita seems to be getting stronger by the day and Emma with her family seem to also be doing well, so I thank God for this. This is all for now, I'll keep you updated if anything comes up in regards to different matters here at home but sometimes it's just nice to receive an email from you and anyone from the UK team, even just to say hello, because it can be very lonely at times. Kindest regards and every blessing Jesca Paulo