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Short History of Bethany.

  • In 1989 Paul Morley and Dave Shore (visiting evangelists and founding members) visited Mwanza, Tanzania and saw the poverty of the people and children. They believed God was calling for a practical demonstration of His love.
  • The following year (1990) Paul and Dave visited once more and this time undertook what seemed an impossible task - the building of a Children’s Home.
  • The following year (1991) twelve 'strange white men’ arrived in Yitwimila village on the shores of Lake Victoria and started digging the foundations. They were helped by the local villagers who had also made the land available.
  • Since then many short term volunteers have been over to help out with some aspect of the work. Each has come back with a story to tell - the one thing about visiting Bethany is that it is ‘unforgettable’.
  • From those very early days to today much has been accomplished and many tears have been shed. As well as short term volunteers some have stayed for up to two years and a community - family feel has grown under girded by a Christian understanding of sharing, caring, loving relationships between our Tanzanian co-workers and our visiting volunteers.
  • As our Bethany Family has grown to include our children more local help has been forthcoming.
  • We believe much more could be achieved if others would join us and share in the work
  • Last updated September 2007