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Copy of Joan McIvor’s  email to Mr. Dunford Makala
Commissioner for Social Welfare, Tanzania
20th August 2011

Dear Mr. Makala,

My name is Mrs. Joan McIvor. I have been teaching in English schools for 21 years. I have taught 5 of the Bethany ladies, while they are in England. The young ladies work very hard. After finishing at the college they work in the evenings with teachers such as myself. The girls study diligently. The objective being to return to Tanzania and to be a blessing to their home country.

It would be sensible to interview the other young ladies, who have already returned to Tanzania and are fulfilling their dreams to help their brothers and sisters in the family.

The decision by Accrington and Rosendale College to offer places to our children in 2007 was amazing and thanks to the support of Magu Social Welfare was an opportunity that was taken. It now saddens me that 3 of our girls ( Rehema, Deborah and Mpelwa) who have worked hard to pass the IELTS English exam required for visa purposes are being denied this opportunity due to the requirement to remain in Tanzania and complete their Secondary Education. Bethany has always sought to comply with Tanzanian Regulations. The difficulty in this instance is that the places at Accrington and Rosendale College are available now and due to the current economic climate may not be available at a later date. It also appears unjust that the girls are being denied this opportunity because they are Orphans (resident in a children's home). I expect that the requirement for orphans to complete secondary education is to ensure that children's homes provide the educational opportunities offered to the wider community. I would like to suggest in this instance Bethany is seeking to exceed the minimum requirements.

Please would you offer Rehema, Deborah and Mpelwa your support so that they in turn may use the skills learned to support other students in Tanzania. Thank you for your time taken in reading this letter and considering your response.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. Joan McIvor