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Copy of Rebecca Pountain’s  email to Mr. Dunford Makala
Commissioner for Social Welfare, Tanzania
19th August 2011

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you as a member of the UK Bethany Project team ( to ask for your help. I understand that you must be a very busy man but I ask that you take a moment to read this email.

I understand that you are already aware that there is currently some difficulty to allow three Bethany girls to take advantage of a course being offered at a UK College. This is a two year BTEC, level 3 diploma in ‘Children’s Care Learning and Development’ and will be extremely beneficial for the girls. The course will equip the girls for their return to Tanzania, in order to help and educate other children. It is an opportunity not to be taken lightly and one that may no longer be valid if delayed for a year or more.

The girls are Deborah aged 17yrs in form 2, Mpelwa ages 17yrs in form 3 and Rehema aged 18yrs form 4. All three girls have been receiving extra education at Bethany and have already passed the IELTS English exam required for visa purposes.

I understand that in order for the girls to attend this course, written consent of the local Tanzanian government officials is required. I am therefore writing to ask for your assistance in regard to this written consent. This support was given in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (opportunity not offered in 2010) for visa applications but has now been withdrawn and social welfare are now insisting the girls finish secondary school first. They could finish their secondary education on their return to Tanzania if required.

So far our Children’s Home manager (Daniel Bujiku) has had two meetings with officials at Magu Government Offices and I understand that they are still investigating the issue. However, I am writing to you because a prompt decision is needed due to the course starting at the beginning of September 2011.

I hope that you are able to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Pountain B.A (Hons)