CHILDREN’S HOME and SCHOOLMagu District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania, E. AfricaWe are a small team of Christians working together to help the most vulnerable children and people in a rural area of Tanzania. East Africa. We are involved in providing financial support and volunteers to visit both long and short term to share in the work both here and in Tanzania.As of May 2018 caring for more than 251 children at our Children’s home, our school and via fostering. Contact: Graham Pountain email: Tel 01254 879694
Greetings from Bethany, This is our temporary web page due to the fact the old computer failed and at the moment I am unable to update the old pages. However, the old outdated Bethany main index page is here
If you are considering making a donation either one off or regular please click on ‘Virgin money giving’ below:
Above: Worship song led by Leah Charles The song title is UTUTANGULIE BWANA. Which means asking God to guide us on our way as we long to reach to heaven. Also, we ask God to be with us in various issues such as studies and life in general.
News from Bethany April 2019 ( trip by Graham & Sheila Pountain with Glyn Morris )
An Aerial View of Bethany
Our new Chapel/Classroom is now finished. As well as a place to hold our services and assemblies it is also being used as a classroom. We have received a considerable donation from Hugh and Mary Fox to whom we are very grateful. Study tour - Choir trip: Plans are in progress to bring another group of children over to meet our supporters. As soon as we have dates we will contact all those people who have met the children on our previous trips to enquire about another possible visit.New showers for our little girls dorm: These have been built and should soon be fitted out with new shower heads and new tiles.Raising the roof; Our 3 wing 60 bed little girls dorm is having a bit of a refurbishment, the ceiling is going to be raised to give more ventilation and solar power is to be added for when the mains power fails (which is often)!Crops: Our first Maize crop failed so we have replanted hoping for the rains to come to give us a good crop. Our Tractor has made this possible.Refurbishments: For the time being we are concentrating on refurbishing our site and giving it a good tidy up. Our old boys dorm which is no longer used is going to be converted into a store room and garage for our Toyota Landcruiser and our tractor, A fresh coat of paint on all our buildings and solar power provided to various buildings to cope with the power cuts.Weather: On our arrival we were met with a violent thunder storm which damaged the roof of two of our buildings and dislodged some of our solar panels. We were without mains power for three daysGlyn Morris accompanied Graham and Sheila on this trip and enjoyed seeing the sites, helping with the teaching staff and the Sunday service. He also helped driving our minibus on the choir’s last trip and hopes to help with the trip later this year.Bethany Book: Our first order of 250 books have sold our and Joan McIvor our author is ordering another 500 which should be with us soon.Tea Towels: Jemma, one of our UK team members has had a large tea towel produced with pictures of many of our children displayed. The cost is £4 and available at our monthly meetings or from any UK team member.Summer Ball - Saturday 22nd June - sold out!Secondary School: No further progress - waiting for fundsCourt cases: Eliada (ex Bethany administrator) along with two co-conspirators received 3 years jail sentences for their part in the kidnap case. Daniel Bujiku (ex Bethany manager) has now been convicted of rape and starts a 30 year jail sentence.