CHILDREN’S HOME and SCHOOLMagu District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania. E. AfricaWe are a small team of Christians working together to help the most vulnerable children and people in a rural area of Tanzania. East Africa. We are involved in providing financial support and volunteers to visit both long and short term to share in the work both here and in Tanzania.As of February 2017 caring for a total of 144 childrenContact: Graham Pountainemail:, Tel 01254 879694
Greetings from Bethany, This is our temporary web page due to the fact the old computer failed and at the moment I am unable to update the old pages. However, the old outdated Bethany main index page is here
The Bethany Project (often referred to as the Bethany Family) is registered in Tanzania as an NGO no. 8059. It is administered by the The Bethany Project (Tanzania) UK (Reg. Charity no 517995), Reg. Address: 2 Aspen Fold, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancashire. BB5 4PH. Tel 01254 879694. email: graham@pountain.netTrustees: Graham Pountain, David Borland OBE, Heather Jeffrey, Isabel Jones, Paul Pountain
If you are considering making a donation either one off or regular please click on ‘Virgin money giving’ below:
Web pages being updated
New School Bell
To see all the children who are attending Bethany Primary schoolClick here to open the album
Above: The Dining Hall
A multi purpose building at Bethany would be very useful. The cost would be about £25,000 for a building 9 metres by 16 metres.
Julie Lees completed the swim and is looking for any last minute sponsors. So far her total including cash sponsors is over £600Click here to visit her sponsorship page
The Great North Swim on 10th June 2017
Emmakulatha was married to Zephania on the 10th June 2017. The ceremony had about 300 guests with Nkamba and Helen as her two matrons of honour. Other teacher and friends were her bridesmaids. Debora organised the event which went very smoothly. Graham took many photos some of which are linked below and Mwita too some video which will be available very soon.The links are here:The Wedding photos batch oneThe Wedding photos batch two
Emmakulatha’s big day
Debora the organiser!
Four members of the visiting choir arrive via mototcycle
Emmakulatha with Helen left and Nkamba right -Matrons of honour