CHILDREN’S HOME and SCHOOL Busega District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania, E. Africa We are a small team of Christians working together to help the most vulnerable children and people in a rural area of Tanzania. East Africa. We are involved in providing financial support and volunteers to visit both long and short term to share in the work both here and in Tanzania. As of Sept.2023 caring for more than 140+ children at our Children’s home, and over 350+ children in our Primary School. Contact: Graham Pountain email:  Tel 01254 879694
June-July-August- 2024 UPDATE
The Bethany Project (often referred to as the Bethany Family) is registered in Tanzania as an NGO no. 8059. It is administered by the The Bethany Project (Tanzania) UK (Reg. Charity no 517995),   Reg. Address: 11 Ash Street, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancashire. BB5 3LN.  Tel 01254 879694.  email: Trustees: Graham Pountain, David Borland OBE, Heather Jeffrey, Isabel Jones, Paul Pountain
find us on facebook
find us on facebook
As an Atheist by Mathew Parris Full article click here
History Timeline Highlights 1989 - 2023 Click here
To view our last update March-April-May- 2024 Click here
NEW - Bethany as viewed from above
The Children’s home Click on image to enlarge
The School Click on image to enlarge
November 2022 Video - Update - Aspects of Bethany
Click here for our audited accounts March 2022 - March 2023
This video is about the people who run Bethany.  They tell their stories about how they came to Bethany, their education and their responsibilities at Bethany.
BIMONTHLY MEETINGS   Next meeting - Sunday August 4th (2024) 2pm Ernest Street Chapel, Ernest Street, Church, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington. BB5 4HP (location: what3words: rival.cross.votes )
Below: Past Videos
Click here for Facts about Bethany and Tanzania
New Donorsee page for Bethany (click here)
Last years std7 now ready for form1 Secondary school
You may remember that our last year’s std7 children had 32 children in the class - all qualified to go to secondary. 16 of the children were from Bethany so here they are with their new uniforms and resouces. They each need to take a bucket with lid, a broom, a hoe plus excercise books, reams of A4 paper, text books, small rucksack and just about everything else you can think of. We wish them well in their new secondary school.
Jesca and Nick to be married Saturday 24th Feb 2024
Below - Dance song ‘ God is able’
Below -5 students need support
Invitation for a visit to Bethany We are organising a 3 week trip to Bethany in Oct. this year (2024).  If you feel you would lke to go and both see the work we are doing and help where possible we invite you to the selection process. Our guide is here and our application form is here. If accepted you will have to pay for your airfares (approx £1,000) and also contribute £6+ per day for your food and accommodation plus other expenses including transport etc. Email:
This web page is in the process of being updated with news from Tanzania. To see our last update March-April-May- 2024  click here
Above: O Lord my God - how great thou art - upbeat - with dance
Above: There is no other God but you - song
Click here for a two page report of my trip aimed at explaining in some detail the trip and daily activities which may be especially useful to those thinking of visiting.
Below is Susan Mathias who came to Bethany (children's home - Tanzania) when she was 3 years old in 2006.  She first went to the government village school until std 6 when she transferred to our Bethany Primary School to finish standards  6 and 7.  Susan then went onto the government Secondary School for 4 yrs and achieved a Division 2 qualification which enabled her to study for a primary school teachers certificate. She completed this with distinction and is now back at Bethany and will start teaching on an allowance of 150,000 Tsh ( Approx $70) per month.  Susan has a loan outstanding of over 5,000,000Tsh ($2,300) and she will pay off this loan at the rate of 75Tsh ($35) per month (half of her allowance).  Susan is slightly deaf.  We are hoping that supporters from Donor see may help to pay back half of this loan amount. Click here for the donorsee link
David Borland (Bethany Treasurer) together with  David’s son John and his wife Rachel and two young people Teigan and Jaxon visited Bethany in May 2024.  The family helped with many aspects of the work at Bethany and are substantial long term financial supporters. All at Bethany greatly appreciated their input especially the staff and children they helped. Click here to see John’s report Click here to see more photos
The Two Debbie’s Powerpoint Presentation Click the box below if you would like to download it to view
N.B. There is a mistake on the presentation.  The government does not employ our teachers. Bethany employs them and pays them from Bethany funds.
Above is a short 1 min video introduced by Esther who explains how twins Rosie and Joseph came to Bethany.