CHILDREN’S HOME and SCHOOL Busega District, Mwanza Region, Tanzania, E. Africa We are a small team of Christians working together to help the most vulnerable children and people in a rural area of Tanzania. East Africa. We are involved in providing financial support and volunteers to visit both long and short term to share in the work both here and in Tanzania. As of Sept.2023 caring for more than 140+ children at our Children’s home, and over 350+ children in our Primary School. Contact: Graham Pountain email:  Tel 01254 879694
Oct - Nov - Dec- 2024 UPDATE
The Bethany Project (often referred to as the Bethany Family) is registered in Tanzania as an NGO no. 8059. It is administered by the The Bethany Project (Tanzania) UK (Reg. Charity no 517995),   Reg. Address: 11 Ash Street, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancashire. BB5 3LN.  Tel 01254 879694.  email: Trustees: Graham Pountain, David Borland OBE, Heather Jeffrey, Isabel Jones, Paul Pountain
find us on facebook
find us on facebook
As an Atheist by Mathew Parris Full article click here
History Timeline Highlights 1989 - 2023 Click here
To view our last update June-July-August - 2024 Click here
NEW - Bethany as viewed from above
The Children’s home Click on image to enlarge
The School Click on image to enlarge
Click here for our audited accounts March 2022 - March 2023
This video is about the people who run Bethany.  They tell their stories about how they came to Bethany, their education and their responsibilities at Bethany.
BIMONTHLY MEETINGS   Next meeting - Sunday February 2nd (2025) 2pm Ernest Street Chapel, Ernest Street, Church, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington. BB5 4HP (location: what3words: rival.cross.votes )
Below: Past Videos
Click here for Facts about Bethany and Tanzania
Below - Dance song ‘ God is able’
Visiting Bethany We organise trips to Bethany throughout the year  If you feel you would lke to go and both see the work we are doing and help where possible we invite you to the selection process. Our guide is here and our application form is here. If accepted you will have to pay for your airfares (approx £1,000) and also contribute £6+ per day for your food and accommodation plus other expenses etc. Email:
Above: There is no other God but you - song
Above video was shot in November 2021. All about Bethany Home and School.
 Trip to Bethany by Graham Pountain in Oct 2024 Click here for a short report
Above: Std 7 leavers waiting to go to Sogeska Secondary school. They all enjoyed their English lessons every morning from 9am till 10am Here are some photos taken on the trip: Chores,  Dormitories,  Food-Kitchen Gardening,   Groups,  Individuals  New children New hand washing basins   New pots/pans washing area Play   School photos  Home Staff
Here is an extract from Emmakulatha’s report: Despite the effort made by the Tanzania government to improve the quality of our education system, many girls still face barriers such as poverty, early marriages, unwanted pregnancies and cultural norms that limit their access to secondary education. The lack of adequate facilities further exacerbates the issue, leading to high dropout rates and limited opportunities. Click here for the full report
Latest News: Emmakulatha has sent us a table (below) of std 7 results.  You will notice both Bethany children and the village children have done really well.  Also notice all the children have acheived grade A’s in English except 1 which will be a great help when they start Secondary school. Click here for a list of all the other Schools in the district.
Report on the Meeting on Sunday 1st December A big thank you to all those who attended this meeting.  25 people arrived and were overwhelmingly supportive of our vision for a Secondary School for girls. Several short videos were shown and we had input from several of the people who had been to Bethany in the past and also lots and lots of questions. Thank you once again.
New Bethany Girl’s Secondary School
If you would like to support our vision for a new  Girl’s Secondary School please visit our page with details of how to donate (Click here). As of December the 20th 2024 donations total:
Once you have made a donation could you please email David email: to let him know that your donation is for the new school
As a guide to prices a bag of cement costs £8 and a builder’s pay is approx £6 per day
Remember Sarah John (Ezekiel) who left Bethany for University to study to become a Doctor.  Here is an extract from an email she has sent: “.....I’m fine just busy with education. I want to take a moment to share with you my experiences so far and express my gratitude for your unwavering support.......  Click here for the full report